
June 20 - September 21, 2012
2012 Calendar Dates:
Summer Solstice - June 20, 2012
Canada Day - July 1, 2012 (Canada)
Independence Day - July 4, 2012 (USA)
Civic Day - August 6, 2012 (Canada)
Labour Day - September 3, 2012
Grandparents Day - September 9, 2012

Colours to use - light blue, teal, grass green, lime green
Flower - red rose, red honeysuckle
Birthstone - pearl, moonstone, alexandrite
Astrological signs - Gemini, Cancer
Possible themes - Summer Solstice, Father's Day, Teachers, Gardening/Planting seeds, Flowers, Strawberries, Cherries
Colours to use - red, white, navy blue
Flower - pink waterlily, pink larkspur
Birthstone - ruby
Astrological signs - Cancer, Leo
Possible themes - Canada Day, Independence Day, Butterflies, Beach, Ocean, Boats, Lighthouses, Gardening, Flowers, Blueberries, Nutrition

Colours to use - red, white, navy blue, gold
Flower - yellow gladioli, yellow poppy
Birthstone - peridot, sardonyx
Astrological signs - Leo, Virgo
Possible themes - Civic Day, Geography, Bugs, Beach, Ocean, Boats, Lighthouses, Harvesting the Garden, Back to School

Pinterest Summer Boards:

Book List:
Earthways - Carol Petrash
All Year Round - Ann Druitt, Sue Fitzjohn, Marije Rowling
The Children's Year - Stephanie Cooper, Christine Fynes-Clinton, Marije Rowling
Sunflower Houses - Sharon Lovejoy
Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots - Sharon Lovejoy
Trowel and Error - Sharon Lovejoy
Toad Cottages and Shooting Stars - Sharon Lovejoy
I love dirt! - Jennifer Ward
Let's go outside - Jennifer Ward
Playful Learning - Mariah Bruehl
The Write Start - Jennifer Hallissy

Story Books:
The Sun Egg - Elsa Beskow
Blueberries for Sal - Robert McCloskey

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~ joey ~